Shipping Time?
It depends on where you live. We are located in Edmonton, Alberta, and it usually takes 3–5 business days. We ship with Canada Post, so you will always receive a tracking number with your order.

Refund Policy?
Here at OldTribes, nothing is more important than our customers’ happiness. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you may return the item for a full refund.

For size exchanges, please ship the product back to the original address. Once we receive your product, we will ship the new size back to you. Be sure to include a note in the shipment stating what you would like shipped back to you, or email us with that information. For refunds, please ship the product back to the original address and once we receive it, we will issue a full refund.
Please note: If the product comes back smelling like marijuana, strong perfume, or smoke, it will not be accepted.

Where do we manufacture?
Our jackets come from Indigenous countries—Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, and Ecuador—and are 100% handmade. Our blankets are manufactured in Canada, and our beadwork is made by local artisans in Alberta.